A mother finds her way after years of coercion, trauma and debt
After fleeing with children, Sarah's debts grew but so did her determination to find security.
Read MoreFrom little things, big things grow when you’re volunteering with McAuley
A former theatre nurse is now finding calm and planting seeds for the future in a special role.
Read MoreNew research explores why women aren’t able to stay home after family violence
Last year in Victoria more than 30,000 women approached homelessness services because of family...
Read MoreBringing mental health, family violence and housing support together
Traumatised women who determine, during the course of mental health support, that they cannot...
Read MorePaying it forward sets the wheels in motion for Meena
When a couple contacted McAuley and offered to donate a car, I saw her name all over it,’ she...
Read MoreA rewarding job that makes all the right connections
‘My daughter is a victim of family violence and she needs extra support sometimes.’
McAuley Works in the news
Employment has a positive impact on women’s self esteem, our CEO Jocelyn Bignold OAM said in a...
Read MoreNatalie: ‘now I never have to leave’
Now living in permanent housing in Footscray, Natalie has a sense of optimism about her future.
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